What You Need to Know about Child Custody from Our Family Lawyers in McAllen

In a previous blog, we covered conservatorship roles assigned in custody hearings. These roles determine child custody. In Texas, custody can only be approved by a judge, and our family lawyers in McAllen can help with your hearing. Learn more about child custody and why it’s essential to have dependable representation like us by your side. 

A judge considers many factors when granting custody.

How is Custody Determined?

A judge considers many factors when granting custody. For a court of law, the child’s well-being is the primary concern. 

A judge will determine if:

  • A standard possession should be included in the custody arrangement.
  • There’s evidence of family violence and if a parent should be denied custody.
  • If a custody order is necessary if the parents haven’t created their own plan.

You can apply for a “modification order” to make adjustments to custody orders.

Modification Orders

You can apply for a “modification order” to make adjustments to custody orders. If you aren’t the parent, then a modification case comes into play if:

  • You’re a relative like a sibling, grandparent, etc.
  • You provided care for at least six months.
  • You lived with the child’s parent or guardian for at least six months.

Do I Need a Lawyer for a Child Custody Hearing in McAllen, TX?

Our family lawyers in McAllen can provide legal advice and direction on preparing your child custody hearing. 

If you need help with child custody, then we can help by:

  • Drafting legal forms.
  • Fighting to secure what’s yours.
  • Acting as your legal representative and advisor.

Contact Our Family Lawyers in McAllen

We also provide legal counsel for other divorce-related issues like child supportContact our McAllen divorce lawyers for a free consultation today to get started.

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