4 Tips to Keep in Mind When Considering Joint Custody with Your Former Spouse

Joint custody, also known as joint managing conservatorship in Texas, is a topic that many people grow largely anxious about following a divorce. There are a few things that can help you and your former spouse when dealing with this potentially tricky situation that involves your children. Remember that you aren’t alone in this. By taking into account the following tips, you can manage dealing with joint custody in a positive and beneficial way.

Working Together

Many divorcing parents may be surprised to learn that they can work on an agreement together to deal with their children’s well-being. Sitting down and figuring out how a joint custody agreement will work will not only benefit your children, it can also help the two of you work well together, even though your marriage is soon to end. If you two are having a bit of trouble going through the motions of coming to an agreement but would rather keep the process between you both, then a mediator can be of great help.

Keeping Your Children’s Needs First

When dealing with the topic of child custody, the most important thing to keep in mind is your children’s long-term well-being. Remember, just because your marriage will soon end doesn’t mean that your relationship with your soon-to-be ex-spouse will too. Your children will keep you two bonded for many years to come, even if romantic feelings are no longer there. Do what’s best for your kids and think of them first. And keep any animosity out if possible.

Being Civil

If you and your soon-to-be former spouse have found it difficult to create a joint custody agreement on your own, then an attorney’s help will be the next best option. Sitting down with each other’s attorneys and discussing what will be best for your children will only serve to benefit them in the long-run. Discussing custody, child support, future education plans, etc. will more than likely come up, and staying level-headed will prove to be beneficial for everyone involved. Like we mentioned earlier, keep your feelings in check and do what’s right.


The perplexities of an emotional battle that’ sometimes caused by a divorce can be a huge problem when dealing with child custody. It’s important to remember that, although you may think that you know what’s best for your children, you aren’t the only one who has a say in the matter. Remember, your spouse is also a parent and has every right to bring up their concerns about your children’s future and well-being. Be open to what he/she says and pay careful attention to their concerns. Joint custody is all about compromising, and with an attorney helping you through the process, the future will certainly look bright.

We Can Help

Our divorce lawyers in McAllen have many years of experience in dealing with matters involving child custody. If you and your spouse plan on divorcing but need help with your children’s needs, then contact us today!

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