Get the Alimony You Deserve with our Family Attorneys in McAllen

Asking for money from your ex-spouse may be a challenging process, but it is a necessary step. Alimony is considered an additional monetary payment from one ex-spouse to another as financial support. Our family law attorneys in McAllen would like to share the basic steps to get alimony in Texas. Six Reasons You Want Alimony The most common reasons why an... Read More

3 Tips for Coparenting from our McAllen Divorce Attorneys

You finalized your divorce and have custody plans in place! Next, lean into co-parenting with your ex-spouse. Not only is it required for most by a divorce court judge, but it is essential to give your child a sense of security, stability, and healthy mental and emotional wellbeing. Your divorce lawyers in McAllen would like to share four tips to... Read More

Consider Modifying Your Child Support During the Holidays

During the holidays, ex-spouses can deal with various financial issues, on top of paying for child support. Rest assured, this experience is common among ex-spouses and can be fixed with a modification to your child support order. Our probate attorneys in McAllen want to share five circumstances in which finances can alter the state of your child support order. 5... Read More

2 Kinds of Divorce Explained by Our McAllen Divorce Lawyers

Are you or someone you know getting a divorce? Without legal counsel you may deal with a lengthy court hearing. Our divorce lawyers in McAllen can guide you through the multiple steps of a divorce, including which kind of divorce you will need. In Texas, you can get a contested or uncontested divorce. We want to share the main differences... Read More

3 Reasons To Be Grateful For our Divorce McAllen Attorneys This Holiday Season

As the holiday season approaches and the year comes to a close, you may be reevaluating certain aspects of your life that you want to change. If getting a divorce is one of those concerns, we highly recommend hiring our divorce attorneys in McAllen, TX. A divorce attorney can help you navigate the issues that can arise in the divorce process, such as filing... Read More

How To Enforce A Standard Possession Order During the Holidays

If you are divorced, you know it is essential to have a clear schedule of your child’s custody. This is even more important during the holidays when you share your child’s time with your ex-spouse. However, some parents cannot agree on child custody. Our family law attorneys in McAllen can help you and would like to share how a standard... Read More

Hire Our Divorce Attorneys in McAllen to Fight for What is Legally Yours!

Did you sign a prenuptial agreement when you first got married? If you did and are looking to divorce your spouse now, you need to reexamine your prenuptial document. There are some types of properties you are legally owed. Our divorce attorneys in McAllen can assess your prenup and guide you through a divorce. We want to share a few types of... Read More

3 Factors that Can Affect Your Child Custody Order this School Year

Are you struggling to honor your child custody agreement during their new school year? If so, you may need to modify your custody order so that your child’s needs are met. Other reasons to change the order might include wanting more custodial rights or if your child’s needs have changed. Fortunately, you can depend on our divorce attorneys in McAllen to help you. Consider... Read More

3 Child Support Tips That You Should Know from Our McAllen Divorce Attorneys

If you’re divorcing and have children under 18, then you've probably discussed child support with your spouse. Many factors can interfere with or alter a child support order, including employment or a disability. Whatever your circumstances are, take control of your child support order by starting with a consultation with our divorce attorneys in McAllen to explore your options. How... Read More

Modifying Your Child Support Agreement with Our Family Law Attorneys in McAllen

Are you struggling to pay for child support? If so, you have the right to file a modification case with a court. Our family law attorneys in McAllen can guide you through this process and help with other child support-related issues. Continue reading to learn about the importance of modifying a child support order. The Reasons for a Modification  According... Read More