4 Tips to Keep in Mind When Considering Joint Custody with Your Former Spouse

Joint custody, also known as joint managing conservatorship in Texas, is a topic that many people grow largely anxious about following a divorce. There are a few things that can help you and your former spouse when dealing with this potentially tricky situation that involves your children. Remember that you aren’t alone in this. By taking into account the following... Read More

Difficult Decisions: How Child Custody is Usually Handled

For married couples considering or currently going through a divorce, many questions and fears will undoubtedly come up. Who will the house go to? What about the cars, bank accounts and even debt? There’s a lot to process during a divorce, but perhaps the most important factor is child custody. If you and your spouse have children, then deciding who... Read More

A Peaceful Resolution: Avoiding Conflict During Child Custody Proceedings

Sharing child custody with a former spouse isn’t easy. Between coordinating who has the child or children during a certain holiday, shuffling house schedules and trying to figure out next week's plans, the process can be challenging to say the least. When both parents work together, cooperate and are respectful of one another, however, children are more likely to transition... Read More

Child Custody and the New School Year

The new school year has arrived and while the idea of going back to class is exciting for some, it means something different for parents who may have divorced over the summer. Divorcing couples in the middle of a custody battle need to keep the safety and security of their children in mind when they are away from the custodial... Read More

Divorce and Taxes: How Exemptions are Determined in Child Custody

The deadline for filing your federal income taxes is almost upon us and many newly divorced couples with children should take into consideration income tax dependency exemption laws. Determining tax dependency was easy in the past when child custody was overwhelmingly granted to mothers while fathers received visitation rights or weekend custody. Joint custody, however, has caused some confusion as... Read More

Changing with the Times: Study Highlights Changes in Child Custody Demographics

The term “single dad” seems to be a much more common phrase these days as more fathers are choosing to care for their children on a full-time basis. Demographics are revealing new trends in American family life as single parent households are increasingly becoming more common in today’s society, according to a Pew Research Center study. Said study found that... Read More

Moving On: How to Deal with Post-Divorce Child Custody Battles

Divorce can become a major turning point for all family members as they oftentimes prove to be extremely difficult to overcome. For many who go through a divorce, simply reaching the end of legal proceedings can bring long-awaited relief. The end of a divorce can introduce an entirely new family dynamic when a couple with children deals with post-divorce child... Read More

Conservatorship and Possession: The New Texas Terms for Custody

In Texas, the legal term "custody" is no longer recognized. It has been replaced by the terms "managing conservatorship" and "possession" to effectively better define the parent-child relationship. Texas courts have always and will continue to consider the child’s best interest. In designing this two-pronged structure, the child, and parents alike, will benefit from ensured stability through the court’s system.... Read More

Children and Divorce: Facilitating the Transition

Divorce is often hard for people to come to terms with. For children, it can be more difficult to understand. Dealing with the affects divorce has on you is hard all on its own, but when you need to worry about how to tell your kids, and how to make them understand, can be much more complex than anticipated. When... Read More