Be Prepared: Important Documents for Your Estate Planning Arsenal

Estate-planning involves more than just preparing for one’s passing. It encompasses comprehensive planning if you should ever become seriously ill, injured, or incapacitated. Avoid finding yourself in a position where you are unable to make important medical or financial decisions for yourself. Draft a will, but also have a durable power of attorney and/or a medical power of attorney now rather than later.

A Simple Will is Better Than Nothing

There’s a large misconception that wills are pointless and/or a waste of time. Nothing could be further from the truth. Formulating a will with the help of our probate attorneys is the surest way of having your requests fulfilled after you pass. Failing to draft a will could result in having your assets and estate divided by a court.

A simple will designating what becomes of your belongings and naming an executor is the first step in securing your family’s future well-being. An executor is the person who will be placed in charge of managing your estate and should immediately be informed of what the responsibility involves if he/she agrees.

A Durable Power of Attorney

The durable power of attorney, or financial power of attorney, is another crucial estate planning document that enables you to grant another person the authority to make important financial and legal decisions if in the unfortunate event you are incapacitated. This person should have the financial management skills necessary to make intelligent and reasonable financial decisions and, therefore, should be chosen carefully.

A Health Care Proxy

A health care power of attorney, or health care proxy, grants another person the legal authority to make decisions on your behalf regarding medical care if you are incapacitated. This person should be someone who is likely to remain calm and logical during a medical emergency. Making decisions which deal with your medical care is not an easy task, so take your time in deciding who this person will be.

Let Us Help

All forms of essential probate planning should be conducted with the assistance of our legal team. Avoid any estate-planning mishaps and consult with our qualified probate attorneys in McAllen to start drafting these documents today.

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