3 Important Things to Know Before Your First Child Support Hearing

Newly divorced parents must make many decisions to create an organized lifestyle for their child. One of the many changes that come up after a divorce is finalized is determining the financial responsibilities of each parent. The first step in this process may include a summons for a child support hearing. Continue reading to learn more about the child support process, what a judge may decide, and each parent’s role in child support payments.

Child Support Court

Child support court, also known as IV-D court, involves divorced parents going before a judge to dispute who will be providing child support. Financial responsibility can cover medical finances, health insurance, or other court-ordered finances.

The Roles of the Parents

In IV-D court, both parents will be named as either an “obligee” or “obligor.” These roles help the court determine what each parent is financially responsible for. The difference between the roles is that an obligor pays child support, while an obligee provides daily care for the child(ren).

What a Judge Decides in Court

In court, a judge will decide which parent will be making child support payments and, if said parent fails to do so, the type of punishment he/she will receive. A judge can also determine:

Get Advice from a Family Lawyer

Are you unsure of how to tackle your child support needs? If so, we want to help. Contact our law firm in McAllen to learn more about the child support process and how we can help you build your case.


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