The Lone Star Divorce: How to Divorce in Texas

Each state enforces unique regulations for couples who wish to terminate their marriage. Texas is considered one of the strictest so going through a divorce requires highly-skilled legal guidance. Deciding which type of divorce is right for you and your spouse can best be decided by an attorney specializing in the field. The many rules governing Texas divorce law can... Read More

Fast but Not Furious: The Quick and Easy Uncontested Divorce

The first step for a couple to take when seeking an amicable divorce is to mutually agree that their marriage should end. When a husband and wife decide to call it quits, the process in terminating their marriage is known as an uncontested divorce. As the name suggests, in this type of divorce, neither party objects to end the union.... Read More

Making Matters Worse: What a Divorcing Father Should Avoid to Make His Situation Difficult

A divorce can have a powerful emotional effect for both parties involved. The pressures of seeking new housing, reevaluating finances and other factors changed by a marriage termination can cause one to react irrationally. Although not always the case, the court can evaluate the behavior of the two divorcing parties to determine custody during the proceeding and these evaluations can... Read More

Domestic Violence: Criminal Behavior and Divorce

Domestic violence is a cruel reality that annually consumes marriages and relationships by the thousands. It is a method of abuse enforced by spouses to control and manipulate their partners. Domestic violence is a violent concoction of fear, pain and even torture inside the home. Women, or men, who can no longer bear the torment, file for divorce to free... Read More

Calling It Quits: How to Tell if it’s Time to Divorce

In the United States and other developed nations, the divorce rate for all married couples is just below 50 percent. Surprisingly, 60 percent of second marriages and 73 percent of third marriages end in divorce as well. Which factors lead to these high statistics? A couple emotionally drifting apart, adultery and incompatibility can all contribute to a marriage annulment. How... Read More

Don’t Become Confused Between Prenuptial And Postnuptial Agreements

Although both prenuptial and postnuptial agreements generally serve the same purpose, the two are drafted at different points in the marriage. The former, more commonly known as prenups, are formulated prior to a marriage. They list the items a couple planning to marry wish to keep for themselves individually, rather than having a court decide, in the possibility that the... Read More

Social Media Nightmare: Facebook Responsible For Nearly A Third Of Divorces

Marriages today can end for various reasons such as lack of affection, infidelity or the couple simply growing apart. However, as technology begins to grow and advance as years pass, it slowly begins to enter our personal lives. For example, shopping has become easy with such websites as Amazon or eBay and social networking sites Facebook and Twitter have made... Read More

College Funding Tips For Children of Divorced Parents

Divorced parents are not the only ones that enter financial hardships. Their children do as well, especially those planning on pursuing a college education. According to a study published in the Journal of Family Issues, 42% of college costs are provided by divorced parents compared to 77% of married couples. Also, a study by psychologists, Judith Wallerstein and Julia Lewis,... Read More

Unfaithfulness In The Digital Age

It is a given fact that not all marriages will work. The reason may fall on anything, such as adultery, lack of communication, spouses drifting apart, etc. However, in this new age of technology, more and more divorces are resultant of technology. 20 or 30 years ago, a married couple would never have had a suspicion that their marriage could... Read More

The Most Common Dirty Schemes of Divorce

It isn’t unusual for tensions and sour feelings to arise between spouses during a divorce. Both sides will attempt to make the situation far more difficult than it needs to be. The following are just but a few dirty schemes spouses commit against one another in attempting to gain the upper hand in their divorce proceedings. Wrongfully withdrawing all funds... Read More