What Non-custodial Parents Need to Know

During a divorce, it will be decided who will be the primary guardian of the child or children involved. A non-custodial parent, also referred to as a possessory conservator, is the parent who does not have primary custody of a child. The non-custodial parent still has rights as a parent and can enforce those rights, such as visitation rights and... Read More

Seven Grounds for Divorce in Texas

Divorce is a difficult situation for any couple. After arguments or disagreements, a couple may decide to end their marriage. Another couple may end their marriage based on infidelity or physical abuse. Specific grounds for divorce are stated to gain an advantage in a contested divorce, whether it be for custodial rights or the altering of monetary distribution. Seven There... Read More

Differences Between a Divorce and an Annulment

Ending a marriage, whether by divorce or annulment requires that all rules and regulations are followed according to each state’s law. Consulting a divorce attorney for legal advice concerning the differences is favorable so that all legal procedures are executed and both parties know exactly what is to occur regarding their preferred court procedure. Both an annulment and a divorce... Read More

Emotional Stress During Divorce

Every person involved in a divorce undergoes a certain amount of emotional stress during the process. Men, women, and children alike suffer from the altering situations that divorce brings forth. For those divorces that are unpleasant, the emotional rollercoaster has a tendency to harshly affect the mental and physical well being of an individual. Helpful Tips Taking the divorce process... Read More

Don’t Let Divorce Ruin Your Credit

Unfortunately, getting a divorce can affect your credit. When you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse agreed to share financial responsibility by having combined accounts or property, and either both or one of you took out loans, credit problems for both parties are to be expected. Having no knowledge of the fact that your spouse increased his or her debt amount by... Read More

Three Tips to Save Money During a Divorce

Going through a divorce can be financially straining. Additionally, it can definitely affect your physical and emotional health as well as take a toll on your time. There are many ways to save money without having to hire the most affordable attorney. The selection of a reliable professional will get you the legal representation necessary for your divorce. For more... Read More

Why Hire A Divorce Attorney?

When a couple has been married for a short amount of time, and they decided to get a divorce, the process could be fairly smooth because they haven’t accumulated a lot of marital assets. It is usually the couples that have been together for a long time who experience more disagreements. Regardless of whether both parties are in accordance with... Read More

Property Division

When someone goes through a divorce, both parties are put under vast amount of pressure to set aside their differences and settle any property matters, and division of their other assets. One of those decisions that is the hardest to resolve is property division. Homes are usually the biggest asset in the marriage. Should the couple not agree on the... Read More

The Process of Getting Divorced

Divorce can be one of the most challenging and emotional challenging situations one can be found in. Additionally, there are many other things to consider regarding, property division, alimony or, if there are any children involved, child support. Let us help you make the process easier for you. Contact the McAllen divorce attorneys from Barrera, Sanchez & Associates at 956-287-7555.... Read More

Abusive Relationships

Domestic abuse happens more often than we think. And the reason is that sometimes it is prolonged because the victim is often blinded by love and hope for the other person to change. No one should be abused physically or mentally, regardless of how they feel about the abuser. If you have been a victim of domestic violence, contact the... Read More